Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2010 Valentine's post mortem

i hate valentine's day. legit hate it. i believe that it is the stupidest holiday ever to be created. (well, maybe not ever, i mean, arbor day? come on.) but seriously. it's up there.
think about it. if you're in a relationship this one day puts so much pressure on you, and if you're single you end up feeling like crap and wondering why it is that you're alone when everyone around you seems so happy and in love. honestly though, why should february 14th be any different than any other day?
Couples: if you're happy, that's all that matters. you dont need fancy dinners, movies, flowers, or candy to prove that. and honestly, you are the biggest douche ever if you propose on valentine's day.
Singles: i honestly believe that there is the right person out there for everyone. i know it sounds corny and like something out of a bad romantic comedy or something. but i truely believe that there is someone for everyone.
we as girls grow up with so many skrewed up idols for relationships. i mean, my favorites were all the princesses i read about in my fairy tales. they always got their prince in the end and it seemed so easy. grow hair long, he'll find you. fall asleep, he'll find you. almost marry someone else cause you think he's dead, he'll find you. rescue her from a dragon while trying to get your swamp back, she'll kick ass in martial arts. any way you looked at it they always ended up "happily ever after"

i guess what i'm trying to say is that love can't be forced. so why do we try to force it every year with this holiday? just think about it. i started a new tradition this year, one that i hope to continue. the day after valentines (or a few days after) i went out and got 10 red roses nad wrote a letter on each one saying "sorry this is late, but somewhere out there someone loves you and thinks you're amazing. happy late valentine's day." yes. once again, corny. but think about it. imagine those faces as they open their door and see that rose. maybe it'll make their day a little better. maybe it'll give them the courage to say what's in their heart. either way it doesn't do any harm, and how could it possibly end badly? try it sometime. try paying it forward. one day that love will come back to you, and if it already has, you're luckier than you know.


ok, there's my corny quote filled for a while. =)

1 comment:

  1. The Unitarian Universalists have launched a program to reimagine Valentine's Day as part of their Standing on the Side of Love campaign. It's very cool -- check it out at They also made a good video of events people did for Valentine's Day -- much better version of the holiday!
